Welcome to
Open Bible Baptist Church
Ascutney, Vermont
Ladies Spring Bible Study
When: Once a week at 1:45 p.m. beginning Wednesday March 2, for 8 weeks.
Where: 4/13 - Abbie Pascarelli's house
4/20 - Lisa Dwyer's house
Bible study journals are $10.79 each. There is a free printable verion for those interested in just the reading plan. Click here
Why: Prayer is the foundation of our Christian lives. If we can't talk to God, we will never be able to accomplish anything for Him. We will be lost in our own strength, and of very little use to God. We will never feel His love and direction the way He wants us to.
Excerpt from Amazon:
From Adam and Eve to the Apostle John, prayer is found throughout the entire counsel of God. Most of us know prayer is speaking to God, but it is also communion with God - the experience of fellowship that allows us to draw near to Him as we acknowledge our great need for His presence and power in our lives. As children of God we have access to the ear of God, and this is critically important to the life of faith. Even with this knowledge of the power of prayer, many struggle to take advantage of this vital spiritual discipline. We often act as though we are resolute enough to resist temptation, strong enough to fight the attacks of Satan, savvy enough to navigate the ways of the world, and spiritual enough to figure out the Word of God on our own. But God never intended for us to live this way. If you long to grow closer to your Savior by making prayer a priority in your life, then Growing Through Prayer is for you. In this 8-week Love God Greatly Bible study, we’ll spend time in God’s Word seeking answers to questions like: “What is prayer?” “How should we pray?” “What should we Epray for?” and, “Does God hear our prayers?”